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Special Educational Needs and Tribunals

We are highly experienced in working with families going through the process of getting appropriate and adequate support for their child in school. This can mean working collaboratively with school to implement programmes and interventions. We can also advise about approaching the complex task of applying for an Education Health Care Plan and, in terms of Occupational Therapy provision, what may be appropriate to request.


We are able to write detailed, specific and quantified reports for this purpose, and understand the requirements of the EHCP process. It is also important to signpost you to appropriate organisations that can assist with the legal or process issues that arise and are happy to provide details on request of trusted organisations who can provide this level of advice.


We are experienced in the provision of expert witness services at tribunal hearings, and can accompany parents to hearings with or without a legal representative. Please contact us to discuss your needs. We are happy to talk to you and advise you without any obligation.

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