Independent Occupational Therapy specialising in Autism and Sensory Integration
Privacy Policy
Any emails or contact details are maintained under the Data Protection Legislation. We guarantee that no details are ever passed on to third parties.
We do not keep records of card detail payments as these are maintained only by PayPal.
We are required by EU Law to provide information for all customers regarding how we maintain and keep confidential information both in paper form and digitally.
All records relating to our work with you are kept confidentially and securely. Treating therapists keep paper files whilst the case is open. All reasonable actions are taken to ensure these are kept safely whilst in use.
Once the case is closed, we digitally archive files and keep them according to government guidelines. This means that we keep children’s records for seven years after they are 21 years old. If they or the client are older than 21, we keep them for seven years. Records are digitally archived onto DVD or hard drive and kept securely. They will be deleted on an annual basis once this ceiling has been reached.
Whilst your case is open to therapists at The Local Therapy Company Ltd, your information is limited to the treating therapist, and appropriate access for the company director and administration team.
We use a secure server for all our work, and will email you files with password protection to ensure best possible security.
We never pass on your details to a third party.
In the unlikely event that we are approached and asked for your details, these would not be shared without your permission for us to do so.
If you have any queries about how our data handling may affect you, please feel free to contact Sam Shard, Director:
Mobile: 07891474919