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Sensory Integration

The Local Therapy Company Ltd can offer experienced occupational therapists who have post graduate training in sensory integration. All our therapists meet or exceed the minimum standard of training in sensory integration (Level 3 from Sensory Integration Education (SIE)).


Therapists can offer assessment and treatment (following assessment). This is available directly by arrangement with parents or through a Local Authority or Independent School.


Sensory Integration is the way in which the brain takes in, organizes and uses sensory information. It refers to the person’s capacity to receive, integrate and respond to sensory information from the environment. (A. Jean Ayres, 1972)

Sensory Integration Dysfunction (SID) is also known and more currently referred to as Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). Boyd et al’s research in 2010 identified that over 70% of individuals diagnosed on the Autistic Spectrum will have a range of sensory processing difficulties alongside their ASD.


When an individual has difficulties with processing sensory information, a great deal of their unconscious effort and energy goes into trying to cope with their difficulty, and this can lead to issues with delays in learning, appearing disengaged or not achieving their potential.


Sensory Processing is a complex subject. Assessment and Treatment should be provided by an experienced professional who has achieved a high level of training from the Sensory Integration Network. Please feel free to contact The Local Therapy Company for your free 30 minutes consultation during which your concerns can be discussed in more detail. No therapy is ever undertaken when there is no evidence to suggest that input is likely to provide benefit, and the consultation call can identify is this is an appropriate way forward.


Common difficulties in Sensory Processing are:


  • Being over-responsive to sensation – for example: a sound that no one else worries about, sends this person into a major anxiety response, with hands over ears and fear.

  • Being under-responsive to sensation – for example: needing much more sensory input to be received in order to make a response – such as the child who often appears not to hear, but who you know has no issue with their hearing.

  • Sensory seeking – an individual who may constantly seek out more sensory input. For example, a child who touches everything constantly, moves and fidgets and seems unable to settle and concentrate. 

  • NB. These are not a comprehensive list of identifying factors and any concerns are best discussed with an experienced occupational therapist. Please contact us.




 A. Jean. Ayres (1972) Sensory Integration and the Child 

 Boyd, B.B., Baranek, G.T., Sideris, J., Poe, M.D., Watson, L.R., Patten, E.,  and Miller, H. (2010) Sensory Features and Repetitive Behaviors in  Children with Autism and Developmental Delays. Autism Research 3: 78-  87

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